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Elastic Path Commerce Cloud Component

You can use the Elastic Path Commerce Cloud component to perform tasks within Elastic Path Commerce Cloud, for example, publish catalogs, import products, assign products to nodes and so on.


Collect the following Elastic Path Commerce Cloud API keys. You can find this information in SYSTEM > Application Keys in Commerce Manager when logged in as a user with Seller Admin privileges.

Elastic Path Commerce Cloud API KeyDescription
API Base URLYour Elastic Path Commerce Cloud API Base URL.
Client IDYour Elastic Path Commerce Cloud Client ID.
Client SecretYour Elastic Path Commerce Cloud Client Secret.


Elastic Path Commerce Cloud Webhook

A webhook trigger to consume HTTP webhooks from Elastic Path Commerce Cloud. Supports authentication via the webhook Secret Key which is passed to webhooks within the X-MOLTIN-SECRET-KEY HTTP header.

Webhook Secret KeyRequired The API secret used to authenticate calls to the webhook. A default value is provided that is randomly generated by the NodeJS crypto library.
Response TypeSelect Synchronous if the webhook response must be sent back to Elastic Path Commerce Cloud. Select Asynchronous if the webhook must send an immediate response to Elastic Path Commerce Cloud containing the execution ID before processing the event.
Error Handler TypeSelect the preferred behavior for error handling.
RetrySelect if the flow must be automatically retried if an error is returned. Only applies if the Response Type is Asynchronous.
Retry AttemptsSpecify the maximum number of times the request must be processed if errors are returned. Only applies if the Response Type is Asynchronous.
Minutes Between AttemptsSpecify how many minutes to wait between retries. Only applies if the Response Type is Asynchronous.
Exponential BackoffWait twice as long between each retry. Only applies if the Response Type is Asynchronous.
Retry CancellationReport or ignore the error if the final retry fails. Only applies if the Response Type is Asynchronous.


The component has the following actions.

Allocate Inventory

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Product IdstringThe unique identifier of the product.
QuantitystringThe amount of the product to allocate.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Cancel Transaction

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Order IDstringThe unique identifier of the order.
Transaction IDstringThe unique identifier of the transaction.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Capture Transaction

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Order IDstringThe unique identifier of the order.
Transaction IDstringThe unique identifier of the transaction.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Refund Transaction

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Composable Commerce connection.
Order IDstringThe unique identifier of the order.
Transaction IDstringThe unique identifier of the transaction.
AmountstringThe amount value to be refunded.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with organizations.

Create a Field

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
namestringThe name of the field.
slugstringA unique slug identifier for the field.
field_typestringThis field is immutable and cannot be updated. Types of fields are: string, integer, boolean, float, date, or relationship.
descriptionstringAny description for this field.
requiredbooleantrue if required on input, false if not. Always false if the field_type is a relationship.
enabledbooleanIf this field is enabled on the flow this must be true, otherwise false.
flow_idstringThe unique identifier of the flow that the field belongs to.
defaultstringA default value if none is supplied and field is not required.
orderstringDenotes the order in which this field is returned relative to the rest of the flow fields.
omit_nullbooleanHide this field from responses if the value is null.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Create a File (By Location)

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
File LocationstringLocation of the file.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Create a Pricebook

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
NamestringThe name of the price book.
DescriptionstringThe purpose for the price book, such as flash sale pricing or preferred customer pricing.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Create a Price in a Pricebook

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Pricebook IDstringThe unique identifier of the pricebook.
SKUstringThe product SKU that the prices belongs to.
CurrenciesstringA collection of one or more currencies.
SalesstringA collection of one or more sales.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Create Account

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.
Account RequeststringThe API request to create an account. Avoid using data parameter in the request.

For Account Request, see the following snippet:

"type": "account",
"name": "acc-name",
"legal_name": "acc-legal-name",
"registration_id": "00000000-0000-1000-8000-000f00000300",
"external_ref": "16bedceb-8b2d-4f82-a973-b0a8d8432708",
"parent_id": "96b1f750-55d3-4768-a3f8-adffba694a2c"

Create Account Address

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.
Account IDstringThe unique identifier for an Account.
Account Address RequeststringThe API request to create an account address. Avoid using data parameter in the request.

For Account Address Request, see the following snippet:

"type": "address",
"name": "Home",
"first_name": "Ron",
"last_name": "Swanson",
"company_name": "",
"phone_number": "(555) 555-1234",
"line_1": "1 Sunny Street",
"line_2": "Sunny Place",
"city": "Sunny Town",
"postcode": "SU33 1YY",
"county": "Sunnyville",
"region": "Peterborough",
"country": "GB",
"instructions": "Leave in the shed"

Create Customer

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.
Customer RequeststringThe API request to create a customer. Avoid using data parameter in the request.

For Customer Request, see the following snippet:

"type": "customer",
"name": "Ron Swanson",
"email": "",
"external_ref": "16bedceb-8b2d-4f82-a973-b0a8d8432708",
"password": "mysecretpassword"

Create Flow

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
NamestringThe name of the flow.
descriptionstringAny description for this flow.
slugstringA unique slug identifier for the flow.
enabledbooleantrue if enabled, false if not.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Create Flow Entry

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
flow_fields Inputsstring
flow_slugstringA unique slug identifier for the flow.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Create Hierarchies

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
NamestringThe name of the hierarchy.
slugstringA unique slug for the hierarchy.
DescriptionstringA description of the hierarchy.
localesstringThe hierarchy details localized in the supported languages. For example, hierarchy names or descriptions.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Create Integration

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
namestringSpecifies the name of the integration.
descriptionstringSpecifies a description for the integration.
integration_typestringSpecifies how the integration is delivered, either webhook, aws_sqs, or stomp.
enabledbooleanSpecifies whether the integration is enabled.
observes objectdynamicfieldselectionSpecifies an array of observable events.
configurationstringSpecifies a configuration.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Create Inventory

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Product IdstringThe unique identifier of the product.
QuantitystringThe amount of product available.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Create Main Image Relationship

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Product IdstringThe unique identifier of the product.
File IdstringThe unique identifier of the image file.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Create OIDC Profile

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Authentication realm IdstringThe ID for the authentication realm.
OIDC Profile NamestringThe name of the OpenID Connect profile.
OIDC Profile Discovery UrlstringThe URL of the OpenID Connect discovery document.
OIDC Profile Client IdstringThe client ID for the OpenID Provider.
OIDC Profile Client SecretstringThe client secret for the OpenID Provider.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Create Product

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
NamestringThe name of the product.
SKUstringThe unique stock keeping unit of the product.
SlugstringThe unique slug of the product.
DescriptionstringThe description of the product.
StatusstringWhether the product is live or draft.
Commodity TypestringThe commodity type, either physical or digital.
MPNstringThe manufacturer part number of the product.
UPC EANstringThe universal product code or european article number of the product.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Create Template Relationship

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Product IdstringThe unique identifier of the product.
Template IdstringThe unique identifier of the template.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Deallocate Inventory

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Product IdstringThe unique identifier of the product.
QuantitystringThe number of products to deallocate.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Decrement Inventory

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Product IdstringThe unique identifier of the product.
QuantitystringThe number of products to decrement.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Delete Account

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.
Account IDstringThe unique identifier for an Account.

Delete Account Address

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.
Account IDstringThe unique identifier for an Account.
Account Address IDstringThe unique identifier for an account address.

Delete a Price Currency

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Currency IdstringThe unique identifier of the currency.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Delete a Price in a Pricebook

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Pricebook IdstringThe unique identifier of the pricebook.
Price IdstringThe unique identifier of the product price.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Delete Customer

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Customer IdstringThe unique identifier of the customer.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Delete Integration by ID

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Integration IdstringThe unique identifier of the integration.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Duplicate Hierarchies

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Integration IdstringThe unique identifier of the integration.
Integration IdstringThe unique identifier of the integration.
Integration IdstringThe unique identifier of the integration.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Generate Override Token action

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.

Generate Token via Password

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.
EmailstringThe customer email.
PasswordstringThe customer password.
HeadersstringThe Bearer token required to get access to the API.

Generate Token via OIDC

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.
CodestringThe code returned from the OpenID Connect Provider authentication.
Redirect UristringThe url of the front-end that handles the callback of the token.
Code VerifierstringThe customer password.
HeadersstringThe Bearer token required to get access to the API.

Get a Catalog Product

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Product IdstringThe unique identifier of the product.
IncludesarrayAny related types that must be included in the response. For example, files, main_image, and so on.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get Customer Attributes

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get a File

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
File IdstringThe unique identifier of the file.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get a Flow Entry

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Flow SlugstringA unique slug identifier for the flow.
Entry IDstringA unique identifier for the entry.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get all Catalog Products

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
IncludesarrayAny related types that must be included in the response. For example, files, main_image, and so on.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get all Catalogs

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get all Customers

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get All Fields on a Flow

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Flow SlugstringA unique slug identifier for the flow.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get All Flow Entries

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Flow SlugstringA unique slug identifier for the flow.
LimitstringThe maximum number of records per page for this response. You can set this value up to 100.
OffsetstringThe current offset by number of records, not pages. Offset is zero-based.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get All Hierarchies

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Catalog IdstringThe unique identifier of the catalog.
Release IdstringThe unique identifier of the catalog release.
LimitstringThe maximum number of records per page for this response. You can set this value up to 100.
OffsetstringThe current offset by number of records, not pages. Offset is zero-based.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get All Integrations

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
LimitstringThe maximum number of records per page for this response. You can set this value up to 100.
OffsetstringThe current offset by number of records, not pages. Offset is zero-based.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get All Nodes (with Catalog ID)

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Catalog IdstringThe unique identifier of the catalog.
Release IdstringThe unique identifier of the catalog release.
LimitstringThe maximum number of records per page for this response. You can set this value up to 100.
OffsetstringThe current offset by number of records, not pages. Offset is zero-based.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get All OIDC Profiles

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Authentication Realm IdstringA unique slug identifier for the authentication realm.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get All Pricebooks

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get All Stores

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
LimitstringThe maximum number of records per page for this response. You can set this value up to 100.
OffsetstringThe current offset by number of records, not pages. Offset is zero-based.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get All Transactions

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Order IdstringA unique slug identifier for the order.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get All Variations

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
LimitstringThe maximum number of records per page for this response. You can set this value up to 100.
OffsetstringThe current offset by number of records, not pages. Offset is zero-based.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get A Pricebook

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Pricebook IdstringA unique slug identifier for the pricebook.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get a Transaction by Order ID

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Order IdstringA unique slug identifier for the order.
Transaction IdstringA unique slug identifier for the transaction.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get Catalog Releases

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Catalog IdstringThe unique identifier of the catalog.
Release IdstringThe unique identifier of the catalog release.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get Currencies

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get Customer

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Customer IdstringThe unique identifier of the customer.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get Customer Authentication Settings

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get Inventory

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Product IdstringThe unique identifier of the product.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get Merchant Realm Mapping

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get Multiple Files

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
File IdsstringThe unique identifier of the files.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get Multiple Inventory

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Product IdsstringThe unique identifier of the products.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get Multiple Product by IDs (Shopper Catalog)

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Product IdsstringThe unique identifier of the products.
IncludesarrayAny related types that must be included in the response. For example, files, main_image, and so on.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get Order by ID

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Order IdstringThe unique identifier of the order.
IncludesarrayAny related types that must be included in the response. For example, files, main_image, and so on.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get All Orders

Get a page of orders.

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
LimitstringThe maximum number of records per page for this response. You can set this value up to 100. Defaults to 25, unless overridden in store settings.
OffsetstringThe current offset by number of records, not pages. Offset is zero-based.
Filter TypestringThe type of filter to apply to this query. All 3 filter fields must be provided or else the filter settings are ignored.
Filter FieldstringThe field to specify in the filter.
Filter Field ValuestringThe value to specify in the filter.
IncludesstringAny related types that must be included in the response.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get Order Items By Order ID

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Composable Commerce connection.
Order IdstringThe unique identifier of the order.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with organizations.

Update Order

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Order IdstringThe unique identifier of the order.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.
Order RequeststringThe API request to update an order. Avoid using data parameter in the request.

For Order Request, see the following snippet:

"type": "order",
"shipping_address": {
"first_name": "Ron"

Get Product by ID (PXM)

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Product IdstringThe unique identifier of the product.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get Product by ID (Shopper Catalog)

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Product IdstringThe unique identifier of the product.
EP-ChannelstringThe channel, such as website or mobile app. Corresponds to the channel attribute in a Rule.
EP-Context-TagstringA tag defined in the store, such as clearance. Corresponds to the tag attribute in a Rule.
X-MOLTIN-CURRENCYstringFor projects that support multiple currencies, use x-moltin-currency that contains the formatting detail for all currencies available to the catalog.
IncludesarrayAny related types that must be included in the response. For example, files, main_image, and so on.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get Product by ID (with Catalog ID)

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Product IdstringThe unique identifier of the product.
Catalog IdstringThe unique identifier of the catalog.
Release IdstringThe unique identifier of the catalog release.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get Product by SKU (PXM)

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
SKUstringThe unique SKU of the product.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get Product by SKU (Shopper Catalog)

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
SKUstringThe unique SKU of the product.
EP-ChannelstringThe channel, such as website or mobile app. Corresponds to the channel attribute in a Rule.
EP-Context-TagstringA tag defined in the store, such as clearance. Corresponds to the tag attribute in a Rule.
X-MOLTIN-CURRENCYstringFor projects that support multiple currencies, use x-moltin-currency that contains the formatting detail for all currencies available to the catalog.
IncludesarrayAny related types that must be included in the response. For example, files, main_image, and so on.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get Products in Node (With Catalog ID)

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Catalog IdstringThe unique identifier of the catalog.
Release IdstringThe unique identifier of the catalog release.
LimitstringThe maximum number of records per page for this response. You can set this value up to 100.
OffsetstringThe current offset by number of records, not pages. Offset is zero-based.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get Organization Id

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Increment Inventory

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Product IdstringThe unique identifier of the product.
QuantitystringThe amount of the product to increment.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Switch Session To Organization

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Organization IdstringThe unique identifier of the organization to be switched to when using an organization session token.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Switch Session To Store

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Store IdstringThe unique identifier of the store to be switched to when using an organization session token.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Update a Pricebook

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
NamestringSpecifies the name of the pricebook.
DescriptionstringSpecifies a description for the pricebook.
Pricebook IdstringThe unique identifier of the pricebook.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Update a Price in a Pricebook

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Pricebook IdstringThe unique identifier of the pricebook.
SKUstringSpecifies the SKU of the pricebook.
CurrenciesstringSpecifies the updated currencies for the pricebook.
SalesstringSpecifies the updated sales for the pricebook.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Update Account

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.
Account IDstringThe unique identifier for an account.
Account RequeststringThe API request to update an account. Avoid using data parameter in the request.

For Account Request, see the following snippet:

"type": "account",
"name": "acc-name",
"legal_name": "acc-legal-name",
"registration_id": "00000000-0000-1000-8000-000f00000300"

Update Account Address

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.
Account IDstringThe unique identifier for an Account.
Account Address IDstringThe unique identifier for an account address.
Account Address RequeststringThe API request to update an account address. Avoid using data parameter in the request.

For Account Address Request, see the following snippet:

"type": "address",
"first_name": "Ron"

Update Authentication Realm

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Authentication Realm IdstringThe unique identifier of the authentication realm.
Redirect URLstringAn array of Storefront URIs that can start Single Sign On authentication. These URIs must follow the rules for redirection endpoints in OAuth 2.0. All URIs must start with https:// except for http://localhost.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Update Customer

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.
Customer IDstringThe unique identifier for a customer.
Customer RequeststringThe API request to update a customer. Avoid using data parameter in the request.

For Customer Request, see the following snippet:

"type": "customer",
"email": ""

Update Flow Entry

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Entry IdstringThe unique identifier of the entry.
Flow FieldsstringThe flow fields to update.
Flow SlugstringThe unique slug of the flow whose entry you want to update.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Update Merchant Realm Mapping

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Authentication Realm IdstringThe unique identifier of the authentication realm.
Merchant Mapping PrefixstringThe store prefix that is assigned to this merchant realm mapping. This can be null if a store prefix has not been assigned.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Update OIDC Profile

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Authentication realm IdstringThe ID for the authentication realm.
OIDC Profile NamestringThe name of the OpenID Connect profile.
OIDC Profile Discovery UrlstringThe URL of the OpenID Connect discovery document.
OIDC Profile Client IdstringThe client ID for the OpenID Provider.
OIDC Profile Client SecretstringThe client secret for the OpenID Provider.
OIDC Profile IdstringThe ID for the OIDC Profile.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Update Product

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Product IdstringThe unique identifier of the product.
NamestringThe name of the product.
SKUstringThe unique stock keeping unit of the product.
SlugstringThe unique slug of the product.
DescriptionstringThe description of the product.
StatusstringWhether the product is live or draft.
Commodity TypestringThe commodity type, either physical or digital.
MPNstringThe manufacturer part number of the product.
UPC EANstringThe universal product code or european article number of the product.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get Promotion by Id

Find a promotion by unique identifier.

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Promotion IDstringThe ID of the promotion.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get Promotion by Name

Find a promotion with the given name. The action uses an exact, case-sensitive match to find the promotion.

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Promotion NamestringThe exact case-senstive name of the promotion.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get All Promotions

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
LimitstringThe maximum number of records per page for this response. You can set this value up to 100. Defaults to 25, unless overriden in store settings.
OffsetstringThe current offset by number of records, not pages. Offset is zero-based. Default is zero.
Filter TypestringThe type of filter to apply to this query. All 3 filter fields must be provided or else the filter settings are ignored.
Filter FieldstringThe field to specify in the filter.
Filter Field ValuestringThe value to specify in the filter.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get Account by ID

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.
Account IDstringThe unique identifier for an Account.

Get Account Address by ID

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.
Account IDstringThe unique identifier for an Account.
Account Address IDstring`The unique identifier for an account address.

Get Account Attributes

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Get Paged Accounts

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.
LimitstringThe maximum number of records per page for this response. You can set this value up to 100.
offsetstringThe current offset by number of records, not pages. Offset is zero-based.
Filter TypestringThe type of filter to apply to this query. All 3 filter fields must be provided or else the filter settings are ignored.
Filter FieldstringThe field to specify in the filter.
Filter Field ValuestringThe value to specify in the filter.

Get Paged Account Addresses

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.
LimitstringThe maximum number of records per page for this response. You can set this value up to 100.
offsetstringThe current offset by number of records, not pages. Offset is zero-based.
Account IDstringThe unique identifier for an Account.

Get Paged Customers

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
LimitstringThe maximum number of records per page for this response. You can set this value up to 100.
offsetstringThe current offset by number of records, not pages. Offset is zero-based.
Filter TypestringThe type of filter to apply to this query. All 3 filter fields must be provided or else the filter settings are ignored.
Filter FieldstringThe field to specify in the filter.
Filter Field ValuestringThe value to specify in the filter.

Get Promotion Code Usages

Get the usages details for a given promotion code.

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Promotion IDstringThe ID of the promotion.
Promotion CodestringThe promotion code to query for usage details.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.

Create Promotion Code

Creates a new promotion code for an existing promotion.

ConnectionconnectionElastic Path Commerce Cloud connection.
Promotion IDstringThe ID of the promotion.
Promotion CodestringThe new promotion code to create.
Allowed Customer IdsstringThe UUIDs of customers that are allowed to redeem the promotion.
Max Usage CountstringThe maximum number of times a promotion can be applied.
Consume UnitstringIndicates how the promotion should be applied.
Override TokenstringThe output of Generate Override Token action to be used with Organizations.