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Advanced Commerce Component

You can integrate Commerce with Advanced Commerce (GrapheneHC) using the Advanced Commerce component. This means you can synchronize Commerce data such as products, prices, images, categories, custom attributes, and variations with your Advanced Commerce (GrapheneHC) storefront, giving you advanced searching and merchandising capabilities. The component allows you to create, delete and update products in Advanced Commerce.


You need the following to interact with Advanced Commerce (GrapheneHC).

API Base URLYour Advanced Commerce API Base URL, for example, https//{{domainKey}}.api-{{location}} Contact your Advanced Commerce team.
API KeyYour Advanced Commerce API Key.
API SecretYour Advanced Commerce Secret.


The component has the following actions.

Process Upload

ConnectionconnectionAdvanced Commerce Connection.
Receipt IdstringA unique identifier of a receipt.
Delete On CompletionbooleanSpecifies whether to delete on completion.

Upload File

ConnectionconnectionAdvanced Commerce Connection.
Zip File PathstringThe path to a zip file.
TypestringThe file type.

Write File

File PathstringA file path.
ContentdynamicfieldselectionThe file contents.

Zip File

Files to be zipped InputsstringA list of files to be zipped.
Zip File PathstringA file path.