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Product Loader Component

You can use the Commerce Product Loader component to to import Commerce product data from one Commerce store to another. The Commerce Product Import utility can import:

  • Product data files of any size.
  • Product variations.
  • Any media files available with products.
  • Localized product names and descriptions.

You cannot import bundles using the Product Import integration.


Collect the following Commerce API keys. You can find this information in SYSTEM > Application Keys in Commerce Manager when logged in as a user with Seller Admin privileges.

Commerce API KeyDescription
API Base URLYour Commerce API Base URL.
Client IDYour Commerce Client ID.
Client SecretYour Commerce Client Secret.


The component has the following actions.

Load Products

ConnectionconnectionCommerce connection.
ProductstextThe data that you provide to the Product Import Integration must conform to JSON Lines text format and conform to the model here.
Update DatabooleanEnabled if we are running in MERGE mode to merge the inbound products with the current products. Default: off
Log LevelstringThe level of logging.
VariationstextThe data that you provide to the Product Import Integration must conform to JSON Lines text format and conform to the model here.

Gets Variations

ConnectionconnectionCommerce connection.
Log LevelstringThe level of logging.

Update Variation Options

ConnectionconnectionCommerce connection.
VariationstextThe data that you provide to the Product Import Integration must conform to JSON Lines text format and conform to the model here.
ProductstextThe data that you provide to the Product Import Integration must conform to JSON Lines text format and conform to the model here.
Log LevelstringThe level of logging.