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Acceptable Use Policy

While we believe the free and open exchange of ideas and products is a key tenet of commerce, there are some activities that are incompatible with Studio's mission. This Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”) describes activities that are prohibited in connection with your use of the services. Therefore, if you have an account with any of our products, you can’t use them for any of the restricted purposes listed below:

Restricted Purposes

  • Violence, or threats thereof: If an activity qualifies as violent crime in the United States or where you live, you may not use Studio products to plan, perpetrate, or threaten that activity.
  • Child exploitation, sexualization, or abuse: We don’t tolerate any activities that create, disseminate, or otherwise cause child abuse. Keep away and stop. Just stop.
  • Hate speech: You cannot use our products to advocate for the extermination, domination, or oppression of people.
  • Harassment: Intimidating or targeting people or groups through repeated communication, including using racial slurs or dehumanizing language, is not welcome at Studio.
  • Doxing: If you are using Studio products to share other peoples’ private personal information for the purposes of harassment, we don’t want anything to do with you.
  • Malware or spyware: Code for good, not evil. If you are using our products to make or distribute anything that qualifies as malware or spyware — including remote user surveillance — begone.
  • Phishing or otherwise attempting fraud: It is not okay to lie about who you are or who you affiliate with to steal from, extort, or otherwise harm others.
  • Spamming: No one wants unsolicited commercial emails. We don’t tolerate folks (including their bots) using Studio products for spamming purposes. If your emails don’t pass muster with CAN-SPAM or any other anti-spam law, it’s not allowed.
  • Cybersquatting: We don’t like username extortionists. If you purchase a Studio product account in someone else’s name and then try to sell that account to them, you are cybersquatting. Cybersquatting accounts are subject to immediate cancellation.
  • Infringing on intellectual property: You can’t use Studio products to make or disseminate work that uses the intellectual property of others beyond the bounds of fair use.

While our use restrictions are comprehensive, they can’t be exhaustive — it’s possible an offense could defy categorization, present for the first time, or illuminate a moral quandary we hadn’t yet considered. That said, we hope the overarching spirit is clear: Studio is not to be harnessed for harm, whether mental, physical, personal or civic. Different points of view — philosophical, religious, and political — are welcome, but ideologies like white nationalism, or hate-fueled movements anchored by oppression, violence, abuse, extermination, or domination of one group over another, will not be accepted here.

How to report abuse

We may, at any time and without notice, remove any materials, and suspend or terminate your account or your access to the services if you engage in activities that violate the letter or spirit of this AUP, including activities outside of your use of the services.

Studio has the right, but not the obligation, to monitor or investigate any materials and your use of the services at any time for compliance with this AUP and the Studio Terms of Service, or any other agreement between you and Studio governing your use of the services (collectively, the “Terms”). Our determination of whether a violation of this AUP has occurred will be final and binding, and any action taken with respect to enforcing this AUP, including taking no action at all, will be at our sole discretion.

The below button can be used to let our support team know if you'd like to report an AUP violation.

Report a violation

What happens if someone really broke the rules?

We will terminate an account without advance notice if there is evidence it is being used for a restricted purpose that has, is, or will cause severe harm. If applicable, we will also report the incident to the appropriate authorities.

For other cases, we’ll take a case-by-case approach to clear things up.

Can you appeal a decision?

If we terminate an account without notice, the decision is final.

For other cases, we will consider good faith appeals sent to support@unstack.comby the account owner within 14 calendar days.

Adapted from the Basecamp open-source policies and CC BY 4.0.