Getting-Started with Composable Commerce
- Ensure that you have an account within Elastic Path Commerce Manager.
- Ensure that you have a paid plan in Studio account.
- Ensure that you have created the following items in Commerce Manager for seamless integration into the Studio storefront:
- Ensure that you have configured Elastic Path Payments Powered by Stripe in Commerce Manager.
- Ensure that the Stripe gateway is enabled in Studio to successfully perform the checkout process. For more information, see Stripe Integration.
- (Optional) Ensure that you have set up an Algolia integration if you want to enable search indexing in your CX studio storefront.
Log into Commerce Manager.
Go to SYSTEM > Application keys to create your new API keys. See Application keys.
Log into Studio.
Go to Settings > Integrations.
Navigate to Payment & Storefront.
Select + next to Elastic Path.
Enter the following details that you generated from step 2.
- Store ID
- Client ID
- Client Secret
- API Base URL
Select Connect account to save your changes.
Go to Storefront to confirm that all products and catogories are successfully integrated from Commerce Manager into Studio.
Under Content > Website, you can see Checkout and Thank You pages are automatically created and ready to use. You can modify them as needed.