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Product Experience Manager

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Major Product Variations and Child Product Builder feature is now available. Variations allow you to generate child products on a product with a number of options such as size, color and more. The features include:

  • Stock tracked independently.
  • Price inherited by a base product if one is not supplied.
  • Child products can be sold immediately after being created.
  • Details on product variation data and variation matrix in the base product response.
  • Manual changes to child products are retained if the child products are rebuilt.

Major Commerce Manager: Product Experience Manager (EP PXM) sale pricing is now available on the PXM Product - Pricing page. Major Commerce Manager: Attributes and templates is now available on the PXM Configurations - Attributes/Templates page.

Minor Improved the reliability of catalog publishing. Major Added attribute templates, attributes and custom field types to Product Experience Manager (EP PXM)(EP PXM).

Major Introduced the Product Experience Manager (EP PXM) services. EP PXM manages product information, hierarchies, and catalogs. Product Experience Manager (EP PXM) can be used as the single source of truth for product data across your organization. For more information, see Product Experience Manager (EP PXM).

Major Introduced the Price Book Service. For more information, see EP PXM Price Books.

Minor Updated the Files API to support referencing images by a URL. For more information, see Files.