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To view all the orders in the store, log into Commerce Manager and go to STORE > Orders. You can manage orders on the All orders page.

Viewing Details of a Specific Order

  1. On the All orders page, do one of the following:

    1. Click an order.

      You can view a product's details by clicking on a product name. This only applies to products.

    2. Click Jump to order and do the following:

      1. In the Order ID field, enter the order ID of the order that you want to view.
      2. Click Search.
  2. (Optional) To quit the current order page and view details of another order:

    1. Click Jump to another order and enter the order ID.
    2. Click Search.

    You can see the following details of a specific order on the View order tab:

    • Order ID
    • External Reference ID, if any
    • Order items
    • Order status
    • Payment status
    • Shipping status
    • Customer details
    • Billing details
    • Shipping details
    • Details of items in the order
    • Order total
    • Order history
    • Custom fields, if any
    • Shipping groups, if any

When an order is associated with one or multiple shipping groups, the following is displayed:

  • Total Shipping Costs - subtotal, fees, and tax
  • Total - amount of order items for each shipping group

Additionally, each shipping group shows:

  • Shipping Group ID
  • Shipping Details
  • Tracking information
  • Delivery Instructions
  • If there are any shipping groups associated with an order, the shipping details are displayed under the shipping groups. Otherwise, the shipping details are displayed at the top of the order items details.
  • For beta release, you cannot edit Shipping Details and Delivery Instructions for shipping groups associated with an order.

Anonymizing Orders

You can anonymize orders so that the following information about the order are deleted from the system:

  • Customer Details
  • Shipping Details
  • Billing Details

You can anonymize an order when it is fulfilled, canceled, or fully refunded.

You cannot update or access these information about an order after anonymizing the order.


For Elastic Path Payment Powered by Stripe customers, refer to the Stripe Documentation to learn more about how anonymization requests are processed if a customer record is created in Stripe.

Do the following to anonymize an order:

  1. On the All orders page, click the order that you want to anonymize.

  2. Click Anonymize Order.

    Alternatively, you can select the checkbox for the order, click the elipses, and then select Anonymize. You cannot update the order details of an order after anonymizing the order.

  3. (Optional) Select the checkbox for multiple orders, and click Actions > Anonymize to anonymize the selected orders.

Refunding an Order

You can refund an order directly through your payment gateway, or using Commerce API or Commerce Manager. See Refunds.

On the View order tab, you can refund the order directly from Elastic Path Commerce Manager. You can refund partially or the full amount.

  1. On the All orders page, click an order.

  2. On the View order tab, click Refund in the View Order History box.

  3. Enter the refund amount.

  4. Click Refund.

    The payment status of the order is updated to Refunded.

Optionally, you can also click Mark as Refunded to change the payment status to Refunded and then manually process the refund using third-party payment gateways.

Canceling an Order

You can cancel an unfulfilled order.

  1. On the All orders page, click an order.

  2. On the View order tab, click Cancel Order.

    A message to confirm the delete action is displayed.

  3. Click Yes, cancel order. The order cancellation message is displayed and the status of the order is updated to Cancelled.

Canceling an order does not automatically refund a payment, you must refund the orders manually.

Updating Shipping Details, Delivery Instructions, and Custom Fields

  1. On the All orders page, click an order.
  2. On the View order tab, click the Edit icon associated with Shipping Details and Delivery Instructions.
  3. Update the address and delivery instructions as required.
  4. Click Save.

Depending on the flow configuration for orders, the custom fields are displayed on the Order details page. You can enter the required information in these fields. For more information about adding custom fields, see the Flows section.

Updating External Reference ID

  1. On the All orders page, click an order that is updated with an external reference ID. See Update an Order.
  2. On the View order tab, click the Edit icon associated with External Reference ID.
  3. Update the external reference ID for an order as required.

Filtering Orders

  1. On the All orders page, click the Filters icon.

  2. Enter any or all of the following details as required:

    • Customer ID: Enter the ID of the customer whose orders you want to see.

    • Product ID: Enter the ID of the product to retrieve all orders that has this product. These orders might contain other products too.

    • Date range: Enter a date range to view orders during the selected period.

    • Order status: Select the order status, such as complete, incomplete, cancelled, or processing to view orders with the selected status.

    • Payment status: Select a payment status to view all orders with that payment status. You can select paid, unpaid, authorized, refunded, partially_authorized, or partially_paid.

    • Shipping status: Select one of the shipping statuses fulfilled or unfulfilled to view orders with the selected shipping status.

    • Billing postcode: Enter a postcode to view all orders related to a specific billing address with this postcode.

    • Shipping postcode: Enter a post code to view all orders to a specific shipping address with this postcode.

    • Customer email: Enter the email address of a customer to view all orders associated with that customer.

    • Customer name: Enter the name of a customer to view all orders associated with that customer.

    • Account ID: Enter the ID of an account to view all orders associated with that account.

    • Account member ID: Enter ID of an account member to view all orders associated with that account member.

    • External Reference ID: Enter an external reference ID for an order. It can conatin alphanumeric characters, special characters, and spaces, and does not required to be unique. It can be used to include an external reference from a separate company system.

      The Exact toggle is enabled by default for Billing postcode, Shipping postcode, Customer email, Customer name, Account ID, Account member ID, and External Reference ID to match the exact search criteria. The orders that match the search criteria are displayed.

  3. Click Apply Filters.

    The selected filters and the results are displayed. You can remove a filter by clicking X next to the filter, or you can reset the filter by clicking Clear All.

Exporting Order Details

You can filter orders as required and export the result in a text file in a comma-separated value (CSV) format.


Only seller administrators can export order details.

  1. On the All orders page, click Manage Export.

    The Manage Exports window with previous export details, if any, is displayed.

  2. In the Manage Exports window, click Create export.

    After completing the export, the status of the export is updated to Complete.

  3. To download the report, click Download.
