An Order is created through the checkout endpoint within the Carts API.
An order is created after a customer checks out their cart. On creation, the order is marked unpaid. The customer is prompted for a shipping address, a billing address, and a payment method. After the order is successfully paid, you can trigger an inventory process and a shipping process.
You can keep a history of orders associated with the customer account.
A re-order is when a shopper copies items from a previous order from their order history into a cart of their choice. If a shopper re-orders to an empty cart, the same quantities as the past order are applied. If the shopper re-orders to an existing cart, and orders the same item, the quantity increases. If an item is out of stock, the item is not added to the cart, and the shopper sees an insufficient stock error. The tax for the items in a re-order is not applied. For more information, see Tax Items.
📄️ Get all Orders
This endpoint returns all orders with custom flow fields. The pagination offset is set to fetch a maximum of 10,000 orders. If the store has 10,000 orders and you fetch the orders without using filters, an error is returned. Use a filter to view orders when the order is beyond the 10,000 mark.
📄️ Get an Order
Use this endpoint to retrieve a specific order.
📄️ Update an Order
You can only update custom data, `shipping`, `shipping_address`, and status of orders. All other settings in the order object are immutable.
📄️ Get Order Items
Use this endpoint to retrieve order items.
📄️ Anonymize Orders
You can anonymize an order when it is fulfilled, canceled, or fully refunded.