Cart Items
Products added to a cart are referred to as a cart_item
📄️ Get Cart Items
Use this endpoint to retrieve cart items. If the cart is associated with shipping groups, calling this endpoint displays the associated shipping group IDs.
📄️ Bulk Update
The bulk update feature allows shoppers to update an array of items to their cart in one action, rather than updating each item one at a time. Shoppers can update quantity and shipping group details in bulk requests. This minimizes the time for shoppers while updating items to their cart. Shoppers can even update multiple items with the same or different shipping groups to their cart.
📄️ Add Items to Cart
### Add Product to Cart
📄️ Delete all Cart Items
A shopper can clean up their cart, deleting custom items, promotions, and so on, while the empty cart remains available. The cart id, name, description, and any account or customer associations persist. The shopper can continue to add items to the cart.
📄️ Update a Cart Item
You can easily update a cart item. A successful update returns the cart items.
📄️ Delete a Cart Item
Use this endpoint to delete a cart item.
📄️ Delete a Promotion via Promotion Code
You can remove promotion code from a cart if it was applied manually. This endpoint does not work if the promotion is applied automatically.