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Personalized Pricing for Customer Segments

Price Books allow you to offer personalized pricing based on customer segments, such as loyalty members, subscription customers, or wholesale buyers. By creating personalized price books, you can offer a more tailored shopping experience, boosting engagement and conversions.

price book examples retail customers vs member pricing vs wholesale pricing

Applied Example

A clothing retailer has 3 different Price Books for the same group of products. The Retail Price Book displays the default pricing visible to all customers. A Members Only Price Book* displays pricing to loyalty plan members who are automatically eligible for special pricing for all products in the store. A Wholesalers Price Book supports their B2B pricing for third-party sellers and wholesale distributors.

Pricing for all three customer segments are linked to the same product SKUs, without being attached to the products themselves, allowing for more flexibility in managing catalogs and selling contexts for each customer segment.

Promotions and Flash Sales

You can also configure special price books for temporary events, like flash sales or limited-time offers. These price books can be set to activate automatically based on shopper context or time-based rules, offering your customers the right prices at the right time.

Applied Example: Playtend Games runs a Black Friday flash sale where they configure a temporary price book with deep discounts that apply only during the sale window.