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Understanding Bundles as Products

A bundle functions like any other product in PXM, and is a standalone product. It has its own name, description and attributes, but its key distinction is that it contains multiple products. You can also choose whether or not your bundle has a SKU.

Bundles can be used to sell predefined groups of products (fixed bundles) or allow customers to build custom bundles (dynamic bundles). You can also sell bundles of bundles, which enables you to create highly customized offerings.

Types of Bundles

Fixed BundlesA fixed bundle consists of a predetermined set of products sold together at a single price. A professional association wants to sell a certification exam fee and annual membership fee together at a discounted price. The digital products in this bundle are predefined and cannot be customized by the customer.
Dynamic BundlesIn dynamic bundles, customers can choose from different options for each component of the bundle. For example, a cosmetics store could offer a dynamic bundle where customers can select their choice of cleanser, serum and moisturizer. The final price is calculated based on the customer’s selections.
Bundles of BundlesA bundle can also contain other bundles as components. For instance, a video game retailer might sell a premium bundle that includes a gaming console bundle, a subscription service bundle, and an accessory bundle. Each child bundle can be either fixed or dynamic as well.

Before creating your bundle, you need to make sure that the products that will be part of the bundle have been created.

Using Bundle Builder

Once you've created your bundle product using bundle builder, you'll add components and options to your bundle. Components are the type of product the shopper will select, and options are what they’ll choose from within each component. Offering one option per component will create a fixed bundle, like with the membership fee example, whereas adding multiple options to a component will create a dynamic bundle, like with the cosmetics essentials bundle.