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Cart & Drawer


This generator is only available on eCommerce plans.

Shows frontend cart and drawer

The Cart generator allows you to show the products that your shoppers have selected in your storefront.


The following table describes the attributes you can configure for the Cart generator.

productsobjectRequiredA list of product elements that a shopper has in their cart. See The products object.
dataRefDataLocaterRequiredThe iterated options of a product.
il8nobjectRequiredAn object that is used to represent total price information in different languages. See The il8n object.

The products object

The table below describes the attributes for a product.

online_store_urllinkRequiredA link to the page showing the product details.
mediaarrayRequiredAn array of media elements used to show product images. To get the primary image of a product, use[0].src.
namestringRequiredThe name of a product.
optionsarrayRequiredAn array of options that describe the characteristics of a product. The options are structured as follows.
  • label: A human-readable name for an option. For example, Color,
  • name: An internal identifier for an option. For example, color.
idstringRequiredUnique identifier for a product in the cart.
quantityintegerRequiredAn object that stores relevant information for the total price of the items in a cart represented in different languages.

The il8n object

The table below describes the attributes for a il8n object.

il8n.sub_totalintegerRequiredThe international region used for the sub total amount in a transaction, which is the total amount before any taxes, shipping or discounts are applied.
il8n.priceintegerRequiredThe international region used for the total price of all the items in your cart with all taxes, shipping and discounts applied.

Below is an example of a cart.

item={(cart) => (
item={(product) => (
<a data-href={product.online_store_url}>View product here!</a>
<img src={[0].src} />
<div>Product name: {}</div>
<div>Price: {product.i18n.price}</div>
item={(option) => (
<div>{option.label}: {}</div>
empty={() => (
<div>Your cart is currently empty.</div>
<div>Subtotal: {cart.i18n.sub_total}</div>
<div>Total: {cart.i18n.price}</div>

Additional Tags

Within the cart, we also have prebuilt template buttons for manipulating the cart.


The CartButton is used to create an interactive button that allows your shoppers to add items to their shopping cart or perform actions related to the cart.

Below is an example of a CartButton.

productId={} // only used for decrement increment or remove


The following table describes the attributes you can configure for the CartButton.

dataRefcontent.buttonRequiredThe actions that the cart button should perform.
actionobjectRequiredYou can have the following actions:
  • decrement reduces the quantity of the product in the cart by 1.
  • increment increases the quantity of the product in the cart by 1.
  • remove removes the product in the cart.
  • checkout submits the cart to our checkout to be processed and purchased by a shopper.
classNamestringOptionalAn optional CSS class that you can add to cart buttons. You can assign any value you want and specify in your stylesheet how you want the button to look.
productIDstringOptionalonly applies if action is either increment or decrement. Specify the product ID of the product you want to increment or decrement.
defaultTypestringOptionalAllows you to specify if this is a primary or secondary button in Studio. See Buttons.
defaultValuestringOptionalThe text for the button.


If there is an issue with:

  • adding, removing, or updating the quantity
  • viewing, or submitting the cart

the errors are displayed in a format similar to the example below.

<CartError dataRef={cart.error} item={(error) => <div>{error}</div>} />