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Adding Links to Header & Footer Navigation


In this guide, you'll learn how to add links to your Header & Footer so that you can highlight certain pages on your Studio website. Please follow the steps below to get started.

  1. Click on Header & Footer in the Design section of your Studio main menu.

  2. Then, click on the plus button highlighted below to add a new tab to your Header (name this whatever you would like).

    Add New Tab Example of New Tab

  3. Once you've created a new tab in your header, click on the tab you want to link to and paste the link into the URL box that appears. If you are linking to a page you've created on Studio, you'll see a dropdown with pages you've created. This is what we call a "Smartlink".

    Linking Tab Examples of New Tabs

  4. Lastly, click publish to make your changes live.

    Publishing Changes

  5. Follow the same process to add links to your Footer.