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Background Media

What is background media?

Previously it was just background images, however, after the introduction of Studio native video hosting, we renamed this to background media due to the various options of what can be a background.

Adding or swapping background media

When the background media icon is white and you click it, the media modal will open. Within the media modal, you can either upload an image, upload a video, or find and use an image from Unsplash.


When swapping you'll click the blue media icon within the main toolbar, then in the sub-toolbar that appears, click the swap button, then upload or find the media you'd like to use.


Uploading your media

Accepted Formats: SVG, PNG, JPG, GIF, MP4, MOV

Sizes: Up to 10 MB


To upload media, select the type:

Media Type

Then, click the plus button currently appearing:

Plus Button

Then simply select the media that is eligible per the guidelines above and you're good-to-go!