December 13, 2023
MINOR When duplicating a hierarchy using the Duplicate a Hierarchy endpoint, the response now returns the ID of the original hierarchy and the duplicated hierarchy ID. See Duplicate a Hierarchy.
MINOR When duplicating a hierarchy using the Duplicate a Hierarchy endpoint, the response now returns the ID of the original hierarchy and the duplicated hierarchy ID. See Duplicate a Hierarchy.
MINOR A new Product Experience Manager cancel a job endpoint enables you to cancel a job whose status is PENDING if one job needs to be prioritized over another. For more information, see Cancel a Job.
MAJOR Some Product Experience Manager endpoints operate as jobs (for example, Product Import API). Now, jobs are processed one at a time. You can continue to send requests using endpoints that function as jobs, but those jobs are queued. In other words, Commerce looks for any jobs that have a status of PENDING and starts the job with the earliest created date. This process is repeated until all jobs are processed. For more information, see Jobs.
MINOR We have introduced a new optional field called automatic_payment_methods to Elastic Path Payments Powered by Stripe gateway as per Stripe's recommendation. When this field is enabled, it displays all the payment methods that are enabled from the Stripe dashboard.
MAJOR When managing Application Keys, you now have the ability to specify the minimum number of requests per second that are allowed, reserving a rate limit for each key. This enables you to finely adjust the performance and availability of your applications that are integrated with our platform. For more information, see Application Keys Overview.
Additionally, in Commerce Manager, we have added a new Requests per second field. This field allows you to enter the reserved rate limit for the key when Creating an Application Key.
MINOR Commerce Manager: You can now generate a delta file with all the contents of a catalog release from Commerce Manager. For more information, see Using Catalog Delta Files.
MINOR New started_at and completed_at attributes for the Jobs API enable you understand the duration of a job in Product Experience Manager. For more information, see Jobs API Overview.
MINOR New started_at and completed_at attributes for the Jobs API enable you understand the duration of a job in Product Experience Manager. For more information, see Jobs API Overview.
MAJOR Commerce Manager: When building your child products, you can now choose to exclude or include variation options. This is useful if you have a variation option that you do not sell. This makes managing and building your child products quick and easy. For more information, see Building Child Products.
MINOR For Price Book Import, the JSONL file used to create/update your price books and product prices can now be compressed to a GZIP file. For more information, see Price Book Import API.
MAJOR A new Price Book Import feature allows you to create and update price books and product prices in bulk, at both organization and store level. Rather than having to go to each price book and manually edit 50,000 prices, you can use Price Book Import to bulk update all your product prices at the same time, including setting different prices for different currencies. For more information, see Price Book Import.
MINOR Bug fix: Performance improvements to renaming SKUs of products and price updates.
MINOR Bug fix: Fixed self link of catalog-related resources.
MINOR Bug fix: Fixed a bug related to unreliable processing of product prices after frequent price and product updates.
MINOR Bug fix: Fixed a bug related to organization level price book deletion.
MINOR Commerce Manager: When creating parent/child nodes, you can now:
For more information, see Products Hierarchy in Commerce Manager.
MINOR Bug fix: Fixed a bug where sale prices were not being reset for organization products.
MINOR Commerce Manager: When editing product prices, you can now edit a product SKU at the same time. For more information, see Price Books in Commerce Manager.
MAJOR Builder, a new Elastic Path Commerce Cloud integration platform is now available. Builder enables you to quickly and easily build integrations to the other apps that you use. You can do this using the Elastic Path Commerce Cloud pre-built components. For more information, see Builder.
MINOR Bug fix: Fixed a bug to stop prematurely removing detached products from nodes when bundles and base products are included in a release.
MINOR Bug fix: Fixed a bug to avoid prematurely removing child products as components when their base products are included in a release.
MINOR Improve performance when looking up nodes by slug filter.
MINOR Commerce Manager: When duplicating hierarchies, a new Retain a products relationship toggle allows you to keep the products associated with the nodes in the existing hierarchy, associated with the nodes in the duplicated hierarchy. For more information, see Duplicating Hierarchies.
MINOR Breadcrumb metadata now includes the metadata for a parent product, in addition to the information specific to a child product. This is useful because it enables you to quickly and easily see which nodes a child product belongs to. For more information, see Understanding Breadcrumb Metadata for Child Products.
MINOR Commerce Manager: A new Has Node Assignment product filter allows you to check which products are assigned to nodes. For more information, see Filtering Products.
MAJOR Commerce Manager: You can now curate your products in your nodes products lists. Product curation allows you to promote specific products within each node in a hierarchy, enabling you to create unique product collections in your storefront. For more information, see Curating Products.
MINOR Bug fix: Fixed a bug to stop building base products when the product is already part of a bundle.
MAJOR You can now migrate all version 2 capabilities, for example, Products, Extended Data, Brands, and Collections to Product Experience Manager. For more information, see Elastic Path Commerce Cloud Legacy to PXM Catalogs Migration.
MAJOR Stores can use organization templates and fields. However, the store-level entries associated with an Organization template appears only at the store level. For more information, see PXM Product Templates Overview and Add Flow Entries to Add data for your Products.
MAJOR You can now extend your PXM products in your organization using product templates. For more information, see Extending PXM products.
MINOR Bug fix: Fixed a bug causing some products updates to be delayed.
MINOR Bug fix: Fixed a bug in the publishing pods.
MINOR Bug fix: Fixed bread_crumbs for products attached to nodes with new parent nodes.
MINOR Bug fix: Fixed an issue where some price book entries were not deleted correctly.
Minor You can now extend catalogs with custom data. For more information, see Custom Data (Flows) API Overview.
Minor Bug fix for a bug that prevented some catalogs from publishing.
Minor Bug fix: Fixed an issue that prevented stacked catalogs from functioning correctly.
Major Shoppers can now apply custom discounts from external services to carts and cart items during their purchases. Additionally, you can also view custom discounts on the Order details page in Commerce Manager. For more information, see Custom Discounts.
Major A new Get All Account Memberships on Account Member API allows you to return all the account memberships that an account member belongs to based on their account member ID. For more information, see Get All Account Memberships on Account Member.
Minor Now, if a previous catalog publish date is greater than 90 days, a full catalog publish is automatically performed. If you publish your catalogs infrequently, Elastic Path Commerce Cloud may perform a full publish when you are expecting a delta publish. For more information, see Publish a Catalog.
Minor Commerce Manager: You can now configure a Sort Value for the components and component options in a bundle. You can use the Sort Value to program your storefront to display a bundle's components and component options in the order you want. For more information, see PXM Bundles in Commerce Manager.
Minor Added a sort parameter to accounts, account members, and account memberships to sort results in ascending or descending order based on the value of the field.
Major You can now integrate Elastic Path Commerce Cloud with using the Integrations Hub in Commerce Manager. This enables you to search your Elastic Path Commerce Cloud products using For more information, see Integrating with
Minor Bug fix for deleting a bundle in PXM causing components to be deleted.
Minor When using custom fields (attributes) with your PXM products, you can now filter your attributes (flow entries) on the entry ID. This allows you to return a specific list of flow entries. See Get all Entries.
Minor Bug fix for accessing a hierarchy by ID in a catalog release.
Minor Bug fix for an org admin not getting any hierarchies.
Major When duplicating hierarchies using Duplicate a Hierarchy
endpoint, you can now use the include_products
attribute to specify whether you want products associated with the nodes in an existing hierarchy to be associated with the nodes in the duplicated hierarchy. This is useful because you do not have to re-associate all your products with the duplicated hierarchy. For more information, see Duplicate a Hierarchy.