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Commerce Store Configuration Orchestrator

The Commerce Store Configuration Orchestrator is a utility in the Integrations Hub in Commerce Manager that enables you to export and/or import resources from one Commerce store to another. This is useful if, for example, you want to copy a configuration from a store in a development environment to a store in a production environment.

Once you have configured the store configuration orchestrator integration, you can use the integration to:

  • Import a store configuration from one store to another. The Import Asynchronous Flow provides a webhook trigger that accepts a JSON payload containing the store configuration. The Store Configuration Orchestrator Import Action executes and passes the JSON request to apply the imported configurations to a store.
  • Export a store configuration to a JSON file. The Export Synchronous Flow provides a webhook trigger that invokes the Store Configuration Orchestrator's Export Action and returns the exported store configuration in a JSON file.
  • Delete existing resources. The Delete Asynchronous Flow provides a webhook trigger that invokes the Store Configuration Orchestrator's Delete Action. The asynchronous response is a single data element containing the remaining products.

The following Commerce objects are included when importing/exporting store configurations.

A Store Configuration Orchestrator Delete Action deletes products from a store.

For more information, watch a video.

Understanding Environments in Store Configuration Orchestrator

Store Configuration Orchestrator allows you to categorize resources by environments. Here is an example of a Store Configuration Orchestrator store configuration.

During an export, all configuration resources are stored in the common environment.

During an import, you can specify resources by environment. This allows you to have resources for your production and development environments in the same JSON file. When you perform a Store Configuration Orchestrator Import Action, you can specify the environment whose resources you want to import. A Store Configuration Orchestrator Import Action always imports resources from the common environment. If no environment is specified, only resources from the common environment are loaded. See Configuring the Store Configuration Orchestrator Integration.

Best Practices

The steps below are an example of the steps you could follow to copy a configuration from a store in a development environment to a store in a production environment.

  1. Go to a development store and configure your integration.
  2. Once you are ready to promote your development store to a different environment, execute a Store Configuration Orchestrator Export Action. You could then check this into your source control system, for example.
  3. Your CI/CD pipeline can execute a Store Configuration Orchestrator Import Action to import this configuration into a different instance of the integration and import the configuration from the development store to a different store.

Configuring the Store Configuration Orchestrator Integration

Once you have installed Store Configuration Orchestrator, you are ready to configure the Store Configuration Orchestrator integration in Integrations Hub.

  1. In Commerce Manager, go to the store from which you want to export, import or delete resources.

  2. Go to COMPOSER > Integrations Hub.

  3. Under Store Management & Configuration, click Store Configuration Orchestrator. The Store Configuration Orchestrator integration guides you through the steps you need to follow to complete the integration.

  4. Click Configure. The Trigger details are displayed. The Store Configuration Orchestrator integration automatically creates the webhooks required for the import, export and delete actions. The first time you configure the integration, no webhooks are displayed. The next time you configure your Store Configuration Orchestrator, the previously created webhooks are displayed. You do not need to change any of the information here.


    Do not configure any API keys for the webhooks. The webhooks are authorized using the configuration.secret_key value in the request body. Configuring an API key directly on the webhook results in a non-functional integration.

  5. Click Next. The Commerce Connection page is displayed.

  6. Complete the information in the Commerce Connection page. You can find this information in SYSTEM > Application Keys in Commerce Manager when logged in as a user with Seller Admin privileges. See Application Keys.

    • Client-ID - Your Commerce Client ID.
    • Client-Secret - Your Commerce Client Secret.
    • Token URL - Your Commerce API Token URL. For example,<access_token> (EU) or<access_token> (US).
  7. Click Connect to make sure that the authentication is completed successfully.

  8. Click Next. The Store Orchestrator Configuration page is displayed. The table below describes the options you can configure, depending on the Store Configuration Orchestrator action you are performing.

    Delete Batch SizeDelete Action only.Specify the page size to query when deleting large volumes of products. Maximum value is 100.
    Delete Batch LimitDelete Action only.Specify the maximum number of batches to delete at one time. Leave blank to delete all batches. For example, if you set the Delete Batch Limit to 5, the first 5 batches of products are deleted.
    EnvironmentImport Action only.Specify the environment whose resources you want to import. See Understanding Environments in Store Configuration Orchestrator.
    Log LevelAll actions.From Log Level list, select the level of logging.
  9. Click Finish. Your integration is enabled. You must enable a Store Configuration Orchestrator integration on each store from which you want to export, import or delete resources.

Testing Store Configuration Orchestrator

You can quickly and easily test your configuration by manually invoking a configuration using the following Postman collections.

Exporting Resources Using Store Configuration Orchestrator Integration

You must have imported the postman collections before performing a Store Configuration Orchestrator Export Action.

  1. Go to a store.
  2. Go to COMPOSER > Integrations Hub.
  3. Under Store Management & Configuration, select Store Configuration Orchestrator. You must have configured a Store Configuration Orchestrator integration before you can export any resources from this store. See Configuring the Store Configuration Orchestrator Integration.
  4. From Summary, select Export Synchronous to display the webhook.
  5. Select Copy to Clipboard to copy the URL.
  6. Go to Postman.
  7. In the Store Configuration Orchestrator Environment, in the export-sync-webhook-url variable, under CURRENT VALUE, paste the Export Synchronous URL you copied above.
  8. Go to the Store Configuration Orchestrator Collection.
  9. Run GET {{export-sync-webhook-url}}.
  10. When the export has finished, copy the JSON payload. You can use this JSON payload to execute a Store Configuration Orchestrator Import Action. See Importing Resources Using Store Configuration Orchestrator Integration.

Importing Resources Using Store Configuration Orchestrator Integration

To import resources using Store Configuration Orchestrator Integration:

  1. Go to a store.
  2. Go to COMPOSER > Integrations Hub.
  3. Under Store Management & Configuration, select Store Configuration Orchestrator. You must have configured a Store Configuration Orchestrator integration before you can import any resources into this store. See Configuring the Store Configuration Orchestrator Integration.
  4. From Summary, select Import Asynchronous to display the webhook.
  5. From Selected flow list, select Import Asynchronous.
  6. Select Copy to Clipboard to copy the URL.
  7. Go to Postman.
  8. In the Store Configuration Orchestrator Environment, open POST {{import-async-webhook-url}} request.
  9. In the import-async-webhook-url variable, under CURRENT VALUE, paste the Import Asynchronous URL you copied above.
  10. In Body, paste the JSON payload that you generated when exporting. See Exporting Resources Using Store Configuration Orchestrator Integration.
  11. Run POST {{import-async-webhook-url}}.
  12. When the import has finished, if you go to your store, you should see all the resources you just imported.

Deleting Resources Using Store Configuration Orchestrator Integration

To delete products using Store Configuration Orchestrator Integration:

  1. Go to a store.
  2. Go to COMPOSER > Integrations Hub.
  3. Under Store Management & Configuration, select Store Configuration Orchestrator. You must have configured a Store Configuration Orchestrator integration before you can delete any products from this store. See Configuring the Store Configuration Orchestrator Integration.
  4. From Selected flow list, select Delete Asynchronous.
  5. Select Copy to Clipboard to copy the URL.
  6. Go to Postman. In the Store Configuration Orchestrator Environment, in the delete-async-webhook-url variable, under CURRENT VALUE, paste the Delete Asynchronous URL you copied above.
  7. Open DELETE {{delete-async-webhook-url}} request.
  8. Run DELETE {{delete-async-webhook-url}}.
  9. Depending on how you have configured Delete Batch Limit, the Store Configuration Orchestrator deletes the batches of products you specified. For example, if you set the Delete Batch Limit to 5, the first 5 batches of products are deleted.

Using Store Configuration Orchestrator Integration

To use Store Configuration Orchestrator Integration:

  1. Go to a store.
  2. From COMPOSER > Integrations Hub, go to your Store Configuration Orchestrator integration.
  3. From Summary, you can view, pause or delete your Store Configuration Orchestrator integration.
  4. To reconfigure Store Configuration Orchestrator, go to Summary > Reconfigure.
  5. If there is an update to the Commerce Store Configuration Orchestrator integration, a message is displayed in Summary. Click Update to update your integration. You are walked through the steps to configure your integration.

Troubleshooting the Store Configuration Orchestrator Integration

You can debug any issues in Executions. Click an execution to see the execution details. The Logs shows the output and any errors or warnings.

Select Retry to initiate an execution again.