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Integrating with Klevu Catalog Sync

You can integrate Commerce with Klevu quickly and easily in Commerce Manager. Klevu is an advanced AI-driven search and product discovery platform specifically designed for e-commerce websites. Once you have integrated Klevu, you can synchronize catalog from Commerce Manager to Klevu.

Collecting Commerce Manager Setup Information

Collect the following Commerce API keys. You can find this information in System > Application Keys in Commerce Manager when logged in as a user with Seller Admin privileges.

Commerce API KeyDescription
Client IDYour Commerce Client ID.
Client SecretYour Commerce Client Secret.
Token URLYour Commerce API token URL.

Configuring the Integration

Now that you've collected the setup information let's begin by configuring the integration.

  1. In Commerce Manager, go to COMPOSER > Integrations Hub.
  2. Under Search click on the Klevu Catalog Sync Integration.
  3. Click Configure. The Trigger details are displayed.
  4. Click Next. The Connections page is displayed.
  5. Enter the Elastic Path Commerce Cloud Connection details. See Collecting Commerce Manager Setup Information.
  6. Click Connect. A new window is displayed to confirm the connection was successful. If successful, close this window and then click Next.
  7. By default, Fetch Main Image URL and Fetch Inventory toggles are enabled. You can modify the default configuration policy, batch size and concurrency settings if necessary. We recommend keeping these settings as default.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Provide the Base Product URL and Base Category URL relevant to your products and categories. For example, and
  10. Click Finish to complete the configuration process.

Understanding Klevu Mappings

Once you have configured the integration, it creates:

  • A Custom API named Klevu Keys under COMMERCE EXTENSIONS to map Klevu store credentials for publishing the catalog.
  • A flow named Klevu Mapping under SYSTEM > Flows for mapping Klevu and custom fields.
  • A Webhook event named Klevu Catalog Sync.

The following table describes the Commerce product fields and their corresponding Klevu attributes:

Commerce Product FieldsMaps to Klevu Attributes
product.attributes.skuKlevu sku
product.attributes.nameKlevu name
product.attributes.descriptionKlevu description
product.attributes.pricesKlevu prices
product_base_url/product.attributes.slugKlevu url
Main image URLKlevu images default url
product.meta.child_variations[forEach].option.nameKlevu custom attribute. A list of all possible variations is created and verified to ensure all potential attributes exist in Klevu before initiating the catalog sync.
product.attributes.base_product_idKlevu parent Product
product.meta.breadcrumbs [flattened]Klevu categories

Creating New Entries and Publishing Catalogs

To synchronize each catalog, you must create a separate Klevu store and collect API key and Klevu Rest Auth key. Klevu does not support multiple indexes within a single Klevu store.

Follow these steps to input Klevu credentials into the custom API Klevu Keys:

  1. In Commerce Manager, navigate to COMMERCE EXTENSIONS > Custom APIs.
  2. Select Klevu Keys and click All Entries.
  3. Select Create Entry.
  4. Specify the name of the catalog you wish to synchronize.
  5. Paste the API key that you copied from the Klevu store in the Klevu API Key field.
  6. Enter the Klevu API key for Indexing, which is
  7. Paste the Klevu Rest Auth key that you copied from your Klevu store in the Klevu REST AUTH Key field.
  8. In the Source Catalog ID field, provide the catalog ID for the catalog you want to synchronize.
  9. Click Create Entry.
  10. Once you have created a new entry, you can publish the catalog. See Publishing Catalogs.