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Customer Authentication Settings

You can use the Customer Authentication Settings endpoint to retrieve settings controlling customer authentication.

The Customer Authentication Settings object

idstringThe unique identifier for these customer authentication settings.
metaobjectAdditional information for these customer authentication settings. Also see: The meta object below.
relationshipsobjectRelated resources. Also see: The relationships object below.
typestringThe type represents the object being returned.

Sample Object

"data": {
"id": "88888888-4444-4333-8333-111111111111",
"meta": {
"client_id": "customers"
"relationships": {
"authentication-realm": {
"data": {
"id": "40086652-2779-45f0-8ea6-ae630dfd13cb",
"links": {
"self": ""
"duplicate_email_policy": "allowed",
"type": "authentication-realm"
"type": "customer-authentication-settings"

The meta object

meta.client_idstringThe client id to be used in Single Sign On authentication flows for customers. For more information on where to use this client id, refer to the Developer How-To: Single sign-on with OpenID Connect.

The relationships object

relationships.authentication-realmobjectRelationship information regarding the authentication realm entity used for authentication for this store.
relationships.authentication-realm.dataobjectInformation regarding the authentication realm entity. id of the authentication realm entity. type of the authentication realm entity.