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User Authentication Password Profile Infos

The user-authentication-password-profile-info object is the information object about the relationship between a User Authentication Info and a Password Profile object.

The User Authentication Password Profile Info Object

idstringThe unique identifier for the user-authentication-password-profile-info object.
usernamestringThe username used to authenticate.
passwordstringThe password used to authenticate. You can only update the password. You cannot view the password.
metaobjectAdditional information for the user-authentication-password-profile-info object. For more information, see The meta object section.
typestringThe type of the object returned.
password_profile_idstringThe identifier for the password_profile object that the user-authentication-password-profile-info object is linked to.

Sample Object

"data": {
"id": "2b2dd626-9960-40c6-a9f9-d4af96eed3fb",
"username": "john.doe",
"meta": {
"created_at": "2021-06-07T15:58:08.198Z",
"updated_at": "2021-06-07T15:58:08.198Z"
"type": "user_authentication_password_profile_info",
"password_profile_id": "a760a1f3-5680-420e-bcc4-a924de8b1a11"
"links": {
"self": ""

The meta Object

meta.created_atstringThe creation date of this user-authentication-password-profile-info object.
meta.updated_atstringThe last updated date of this user-authentication-password-profile-info object.