List all nodes
A fully paginated view of all nodes in all hierarchies regardless of depth.
Many Commerce API endpoints support filtering. The general syntax is described in Filtering.
The following attributes and operators are supported.
Operator | Attribute | Description | Example |
eq | id , hierarchy_id , owner , parent_id , name , slug , description , has_children , created_at , updated_at , locales.[locale].name , locales.[locale].description , , , breadcrumbs.slug , breadcrumbs.locales.[locale].name | Equals. Checks if the value of the attribute matches the specified value. | filter=eq(name,some-name) , filter=eq(,Nom-du-produit) |
in | id , hierarchy_id , parent_id , | Checks if the value of the attribute is included in the specified list. | filter=in(id,1,2,3,4) |
lt , le , gt , ge | id , hierarchy_id , parent_id , created_at , updated_at | Comparison operators. lt : Less than, le : Less than or equal to, gt : Greater than, ge : Greater than or equal to. | filter=lt(id,100) , filter=ge(created_at,2022-01-01) |
like | name , slug , description , locales.[locale].name , locales.[locale].description , , breadcrumbs.slug , breadcrumbs.locales.[locale].name | Like. Checks if the attribute contains the specified string (wildcards supported). | filter=like(name,*some-name*) , filter=like(,*descripción*) |
- 200
- 400
- 404
- 500
Returns a list of nodes
Bad request. The request failed validation.
Bad Request. Not Found.
Internal server error. There was a system failure in the platform.