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Duplicate a hierarchy



Using this option, you can duplicate an existing hierarchy. This is useful because it enables you to quickly and easily create multiple hierarchies with the same node structure.

When you duplicate a hierarchy, you can specify a new name and/or a new description for the duplicated hierarchy. All other attributes, such as slug and locales, stay the same.

Any nodes in the existing hierarchy are also replicated in the duplicated hierarchy. In addition, you can optionally use the include_products attribute to specify whether you want products associated with the nodes in an existing hierarchy to be associated with the nodes in the duplicated hierarchy. By default, product associations in an existing hierarchy are not duplicated in a duplicate hierarchy.

Duplicating a hierarchy is an asynchronous operation. When you duplicate a hierarchy, a job is created. The jobId of the job is displayed in the response. When the job is complete, the duplicate hierarchy operation is also complete. You can use the jobId to see the status of your job using Get a Job.

Jobs are processed one at a time. You can continue to send duplicate hierarchy requests, but those jobs are queued. In other words, Commerce looks for any jobs that have a status of PENDING and starts the job with the earliest created date. This process is repeated until all jobs are processed.

Once the job is complete, run:

  • Get all hierarchies to retrieve the HierarchyId of your duplicated hierarchy.
  • Get a hierarchy to retrieve the nodes and (if applicable) products associated with the duplicated hierarchy.


Path Parameters

    hierarchyID stringrequired

    A unique identifier for the hierarchy.


    data objectrequired
    type string

    Possible values: [hierarchy]

    This represents the type of resource object being returned. Always hierarchy.

    attributes object
    name string

    The name of the duplicate hierarchy. The maximum length is 1000 characters.

    description string

    A description of the duplicate hierarchy.

    include_products boolean

    Specify true if you want the product associations in the existing nodes associated in your duplicated hierarchy. If not, specify false.


Successfully returns the duplicate hierarchy job ID

    data objectrequired
    id stringrequired

    A unique identifier generated when a job is created.

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [pim-job]

    This represents the type of resource object being returned. Always pim-job.

    attributes objectrequired
    started_at date-timenullablerequired

    The date and time a job is started.

    completed_at date-timenullablerequired

    The date and time a job is completed.

    created_at date-timerequired

    The date and time a job is created.

    updated_at date-timerequired

    The date and time a job is updated.

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [child-products, product-import, product-export, hierarchy-duplicate, price-import]

    The status of a job.

    • pending - Commerce has received the request but is currently busy processing other requests.
    • started - Commerce has started processing the job.
    • success - The job has successfully completed.
    • failed - The job has failed.
    status stringrequired

    Possible values: [pending, cancelled, started, success, failed]

    meta objectrequired
    x_request_id stringrequired

    Applies to all job types. A unique request ID is generated when a job is created.

    copied_from string

    Applies to hierarchy-duplicate job types. The ID of the original hierarchy that you duplicated.

    hierarchy_id string

    Applies to hierarchy-duplicate job types. The duplicated hierarchy ID.

    file_locations string[]nullable

    If the job type is product_export, a link to the file is created when running a job.

    filter string

    The entities included in the job. For example, if the job type is product-export, the PXM products included in the export.
