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Update an offering



After saving an offering, you can update an offering at any time. Updating an offering does not affect any active subscriptions. The changes take effect on all new subscriptions that are created.


Path Parameters

    offering_uuid UUIDrequired

    The unique identifier of the offering.


    data OfferingUpdaterequired
    id UUID (string)required

    The unique identifier.

    type SubscriptionOfferingType (string)required

    Possible values: [subscription_offering]

    attributes OfferingUpdateAttributesrequired
    external_ref ExternalRefUpdate (string)nullable

    Possible values: <= 2048 characters

    A unique attribute that you could use to contain information from another company system, for example. The maximum length is 2048 characters.

    name string

    Possible values: >= 3 characters and <= 1024 characters

    The name of the offering.

    description stringnullable

    Possible values: <= 1024 characters

    The offering description to display to customers.

    proration_policy_id UUID (string)

    The unique identifier.


Success. The details of the subscription offering are updated.

    data Offering
    id UUID (string)

    The unique identifier.

    type SubscriptionOfferingType (string)required

    Possible values: [subscription_offering]

    attributes OfferingAttributesrequired
    external_ref ExternalRef (string)

    Possible values: <= 2048 characters

    A unique attribute that you could use to contain information from another company system, for example. The maximum length is 2048 characters.

    name stringrequired

    Possible values: >= 3 characters and <= 1024 characters

    The name of the offering.

    description string

    Possible values: <= 1024 characters

    The offering description to display to customers.

    updated_at stringrequired

    The date and time a resource was updated.

    created_at stringrequired

    The date and time a resource was created.

    relationships Relationships

    Relationships are established between different subscription entities. For example, a product and a plan are related to an offering, as both are attached to it.

    meta OfferingMetarequired
    external_product_refs string[]required
    owner stringrequired

    The owner of a resource, either store or organization.

    timestamps Timestampsrequired
    updated_at stringrequired

    The date and time a resource was updated.

    created_at stringrequired

    The date and time a resource was created.
