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Get Cart Settings



Retrieves cart settings



    data object
    type stringrequired

    Describes the type of request payload you’re sending. Set this value to settings.

    cart_expiry_days integer

    Indicates the number of days before a cart expires.

    discounts object
    custom_discounts_enabled boolean

    When true, custom discounts are enabled. Default is false. This setting only affects the new empty carts while the existing active carts will not be affected.

    use_rule_promotions boolean

    When set to true, this parameter allows the cart to use rule promotions.

    snapshot_date string

    This optional parameter sets a reference date for the cart. If this parameter is set, it allows the cart to act as one that might occur on that specified date. For example, such future carts might acquire future-enabled discounts, allowing users to test and validate future interactions with carts. The snapshot_date must be in the format 2026-02-21T15:07:25Z. By default, this parameter is left empty.
