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Create Stock Transaction on Product



Create Stock Transaction on Product


Path Parameters

    product_uuid stringrequired

    The unique identifier of the product.


    data TransactionCreaterequired
    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [stock-transaction]

    Default value: stock-transaction

    The type of object being returned. Always stock-transaction.

    action stringrequired

    Possible values: [increment, decrement, allocate, deallocate]

    The type of action being performed by this transaction.

    • increment - use this when you want to make products available for purchase, for example, when you have received stock from a supplier.

    • decrement - Use this when you want to remove stock from product inventory.

    • allocate - Use this when you want to allocate stock, normally to a reseller who sells on the stock.

    • deallocate - Use this when you want to deallocate any previously allocated stock.

    quantity integerrequired

    The amount of stock affected by the stock transaction.


Success. Stock was successfully modified for product

    data Transaction
    id string

    The unique identifier for the stock transaction.

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [stock-transaction]

    Default value: stock-transaction

    The type represents the object being returned. Always stock-transaction.

    action string

    Possible values: [increment, decrement, allocate, deallocate]

    The type of action performed by this transaction.

    • increment - use this when you want to make products available for purchase, for example, when you have received stock from a supplier.

    • decrement - Use this when you want to remove stock from product inventory.

    • allocate - Use this when you want to allocate stock, normally to a reseller who sells on the stock.

    • deallocate - Use this when you want to deallocate any previously allocated stock.

    product_id string

    The product identifier that this stock transaction is for.

    quantity integer

    The amount of stock affected by the stock transaction.

    timestamps Timestamps

    The date and time a transaction is created.

    created_at date-timerequired

    The date and time a transaction is created.
