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Get a catalog by ID



Retrieves the specified catalog.


Path Parameters

    catalog_id stringrequired

    The catalog ID.


The catalog.

    data objectrequired

    Creates a catalog with the following attributes.

    id stringrequired

    A unique identifier of a catalog.

    attributes objectrequired
    name stringrequired

    The name of a catalog.

    description string

    A brief description of the catalog, such as the purpose of the catalog.

    hierarchy_ids string[]required

    The unique identifiers of the hierarchies associated with a catalog.

    pricebook_id string

    The unique identifier of a price book associated with a catalog. If no price book is selected, the catalog is displayed without prices.

    pricebook_ids object[]

    Possible values: <= 5

    If you want multiple price books for different scenarios, such as seasonal sales, business versus retail pricing, and reward programs, when creating a catalog, you can specify up to five price books. You must configure a priority for your price books. Product prices are displayed in the catalog according to the priority of the price books.

  • Array [
  • id uuidrequired

    A unique identifier of a price book.

    priority integerrequired

    Priority is a number and the price book with the highest number has the highest priority.

  • ]
  • locales object

    Product Experience Manager supports localization of products and hierarchies. If you store supports multiple languages, you can localize product names and descriptions.

    property name* object

    A three-letter language code that represents the name of language you have used.

    property name* string

    A three-letter language code that represents the name of language you have used.

    created_at date-timerequired

    The date and time a catalog is created.

    updated_at date-timerequired

    The date and time a catalog was updated.

    owner stringnullable

    Possible values: [store, organization]

    Default value: store

    The owner of this resource, can be either organization or store.

    relationships object

    Relationships are established between different catalog entities. For example, a catalog rule and a price book are related to a catalog, as both are associated with it.

    rules object

    The catalog rules related to a catalog.

    links object

    A URL to a related object, for example, catalog rules, hierarchies, price books, products and deltas.

    related stringrequired

    A URL to a related object, for example, catalog rules, hierarchies, price books, products and deltas.

    releases object

    When a catalog is published, a catalog release is created. This is a URL to all catalog published releases available for this catalog.

    links object

    A URL to a related object, for example, catalog rules, hierarchies, price books, products and deltas.

    related stringrequired

    A URL to a related object, for example, catalog rules, hierarchies, price books, products and deltas.

    meta object
    count integer

    The number releases available for a catalog.

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [catalog]

    links object

    Links allow you to move between requests.

    self urinullable

    Single entities use a self parameter with a link the specific resource.

    first urinullable

    Always the first page.

    last urinullable

    This is null if there is only one page.

    prev urinullable

    This is null if there is only one page.

    next urinullable

    This is null if there is only one page.
