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Get a Hierarchy's Children



Returns the parent nodes for the specified hierarchy.

Parent Nodes

If you have multiple catalog rules defined, the rule that best matches the shopper's context is used to determine which catalog is retrieved. For information about how rules are matched, see Resolving Catalog Rules.

In the bread_crumb metadata, you can identify the parent nodes that a node is associated with. This is useful if you want to improve how your shoppers search your store, for example. See Product and Node Associations in Breadcrumb Metadata.


The following operators and attributes are available when filtering on this endpoint.

OperatorDescriptionSupported AttributesExample
EqChecks if the values of two operands are equal. If they are, the condition is, slugfilter=eq(name,some-name)
InChecks if the values are included in the specified string. If they are, the condition is true.idfilter=in(id,some-id)

For more information, see Filtering.

Building breadcrumbs in a storefront

In a catalog, you can use a filter to return a list of nodes in a hierarchy structure that a product belongs to. You can use this to build breadcrumbs in your storefront. An example is shown below.


  • Specify the node Ids in the filter expression.
  • You can have as many node Ids as you want.
  • It does not matter what order you specify the node Ids. The nodes are returned in the order they were last updated.



The child nodes of a catalog hierarchy.