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Making your first API Call

The Subscriptions API is set of APIs used to manage subscriptions.


This guide uses the command line to make requests via cURL, but you can also use a supported SDK.

All API requests must contain a generated access token for authentication purposes. To generate an access token, you need your Application keys. Application keys are the client ID and client secret.

Once you have your client ID, you can use it to generate an access token. Requests to Subscriptions require an Authorization header containing your access token.

This guide uses the implicit grant type. This grant type can be thought of as read only and is most commonly used on the client side. See Authentication for more information about tokens.

Best Practices

The following steps describe how to authenticate in Subscriptions.

  1. Get your Application keys.
  2. Get an access_token.

Get your Application keys

You must:

  1. Get your Application Keys.
  2. Make a copy of your client_id.

Get an access token

You can use the client_id to make your request.

  1. Make your API request where XXXX is replaced with your client_id.

    curl -X POST \
    -d "client_id=XXXX" \
    -d "grant_type=implicit"

    The response contains the token in the field access_token.

    "expires": 1537779121,
    "identifier": "implicit",
    "expires_in": 3600,
    "access_token": "0e82127a8d9c20abb3d6e48561cbfe81448956ab",
    "token_type": "Bearer"
  2. Make a copy of your access_token. This is your implicit Bearer token that is required for future requests.


You need to re-authenticate when the access_token expires.