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API Reference Guide

Composable Commerce is a headless eCommerce service. You can use the Composable Commerce API to build unique and flexible shopping experiences for your customers.


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This API Reference Guide describes the resources, endpoints, methods, requests, and responses that are available to you in the Composable Commerce API. See API Documentation.

Introduction to API

The Composable Commerce API follows a microservice architecture that enables you to plug commerce into any part of your application. The API is inspired by the JSON API specification, follows predictable REST API URLs, and supports cross-origin resource sharing. The two-track Authentication Layer enables destructive and non-destructive actions across projects.


Commerce supports multiple geographical regions. For each customer, Commerce accounts and stores are created in a specific region. When you interact with and use the Commerce API, ensure that you use the API end point for the region your store is in. To view the API base URL field, go to System > Application Keys in Commerce Manager.

In the documentation, we use the variable name <your_elasticpath_api_base_url> in the sample requests. When making API requests, customers substitute the hostname for the variable.


All requests must include an authentication token in the header. Generate the token by using your API keys.

  • To find your API keys, go to System > Application Keys section in Commerce Manager.
  • To use the API to generate a token from your API keys, see the Authentication or Your first API request sections.
  • To learn more about API keys, see the Security section.


If you are looking to test or develop with the Composable Commerce API, we recommend using the Elastic Path Postman collection. The collection includes all endpoints.