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Subscription Products

Elastic Path Subscriptions allows you to offer your customers subscriptions and recurring billing for your products and services. Elastic Path Subscriptions gives you the flexibility to pause, update, or reactivate your subscription offerings, change subscription cycles and apply discounts.

You can build subscription offerings with products created in Product Experience Manager. Product Experience Manager manages product information, hierarchies, and price books. Ideally, Product Experience Manager becomes the single source of truth for product data across your organization.


You must create all of your currencies in your store. See Manage Currencies.

Creating a Subscription Product

The following steps describe how to create a subscription product in Product Experience Manager.


When creating a product in Product Experience Manager for a subscription, you can only create new offerings. You cannot add your Product Experience Manager product to an existing offering.

  1. Log in to Commerce Manager.
  3. Select Create New.
  4. Follow the instructions described in Creating Products to create your product.
  5. Select the Subscriptions tab.
  6. Select Create New Offering.
  7. Follow the instructions described in Creating Offerings to create your offering.
  8. You must select Save for your changes to take effect. If you select Save & Exit before selecting Save, your changes are lost.

PXM Subscription product

  1. Select Save & Exit or Next depending on your requirements.
  2. You can edit a product or service at any time by selecting ... > Edit on the product you want to edit.