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Price Books

Price books contain prices for the products in your catalog. Each catalog must have one price book. In your storefront, the product prices are displayed in the currency for the selected locale. If a product in the catalog does not have a price in the price book, the product is displayed without a price.

A price book can be associated with multiple catalogs.

Following on from this, you can associate more than one price book with a catalog. Price book stacking allows you to create multiple price books for different scenarios, such as seasonal sales, business versus retail customer pricing, and reward programs. If you have multiple price books, when you create a catalog, you must configure a priority for your price books. Product prices are displayed in the catalog according to the priority of the price books. For example, you may have products that have different prices based on region. You can have a price book with the standard retail pricing and then have a second price book that has different pricing for a different region. See Create a catalog.

A price book contains a list of product SKUs and the prices you want to charge for those products. If your store supports multiple locales, a price book can contain product prices in each of the supported currencies. In addition, you can configure sales and volume (tier) pricing.


Price books work with products that are defined using the Product Experience Manager resource model. If your products are defined using an earlier Products resource model, you will need to migrate products to the pcm/products resource before you implement price books.

You can duplicate an existing price book and create a new price book. All products and prices associated with the price book are copied to the new price book. Based on the business requirements, you can use the same data or update the data.