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Get Personal Data Logs



Gets a list of logs for a specific resource id and resource type.

You can use pagination with this resource. For more information, see pagination.

  • This request is only accessible to client_credentials token users with Seller Admin, Support and IT roles.
  • Non client_credentials token users cannot access this endpoint. See Permissions.
  • This request requires a filter for resource_type and resource_id.


The following operator and attributes are required for filtering erasure requests.

eqChecks whether the values of two operands are equal. If the values are equal, the condition is true.


Query Parameters

    page[offset] int64

    Possible values: <= 10000

    The current offset by number of records, not pages. Offset is zero-based. The maximum records you can offset is 10,000. If no page size is set, the page length store setting is used.

    page[limit] int64

    The maximum number of records per page for this response. You can set this value up to 100. If no page size is set, the page length store setting is used.

    filter string

    Filter attributes. For more information, see the Filtering section.



    data PersonalDataLog[]
  • Array [
  • id uuid

    The unique identifier for the log entry.

    store_id uuid

    The unique identifier for the store id.

    type string

    The type of the object. Always equal to personal_data_log_entry.

    initiator object

    Specifies who initiated the personal data change.

    access-token-email string
    access-token-id string
    access-token-name string
    access-token-store-id uuid
    access-token-type string
    time string

    Specifies the time when the change happened.

    event_type string

    Specifies the type of the event.

    delta object

    Includes fields that were changed as a result of the event.

    email string
    id uuid
    name string
    realm_id string
    store_id uuid
    type string
    resource_id string

    The ID of the data entry that was changed.

    resource_type string

    The type of the data entry that was changed.

    relationships object
    resource_path object
    url uri
  • ]
  • meta object
    results objectrequired
    total integer

    Total number of results for the entire collection.

    page objectrequired
    limit integer

    The maximum number of records for all pages.

    offset integer

    The current offset by number of pages.

    current integer

    The current number of pages.

    total integer

    The total number of records for the entire collection.

    links object
    current urirequired

    Always the current page.

    first urirequired

    Always the first page.

    last urirequired

    Always null if there is only one page.

    next stringnullrequired

    Always null if there is only one page.

    prev stringnullrequired

    Always null if the user is on the first page.
