Get all Custom API Entries using the extensions endpoint
Get all Custom API Entries
The following operators and attributes are available for filtering all Custom API Entries:
Attribute | Operators | Example |
id | lt ,le ,eq ,gt ,ge ,in | eq(id,859aeba1-03c2-4822-bd4c-89afce93d7eb) |
created_at | lt ,le ,eq ,gt ,ge | ge(created_at,2024-04-29T00:00:00.000Z) |
updated_at | lt ,le ,eq ,gt ,ge | le(updated_at,2024-04-29T00:00:00.000Z) |
The following operators and attributes may be available for filtering Custom API Entries depending on how the Custom Fields for that Custom API are configured.
Field type | Operators |
string | lt ,le ,eq ,gt ,ge ,in ,like |
integer | lt ,le ,eq ,gt ,ge ,in |
float | lt ,le ,gt ,ge ,in |
boolean | eq |
Given there is a Custom Field with "slug": "name"
and "field_type": "string"
When you get all Custom API Entries with query parameter: ?filter=like(name,*wish*)
Then you will get all Custom API Entries where name
contains the string wish
The following attributes are available for sorting. When specified, the results are sorted in ascending order based on the value of the field. To sort in descending order, prefix the attribute with -
, for example, -updated_at
. The default sort order is created_at
in descending order.
- 200
- 400
- 403
- 500
Bad request. The request failed validation.
Forbidden. You do not have permission to access this resource.
Internal server error. There was a system failure in the platform.