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Create an Application Key



Create an Application Key



    data ApplicationKeyrequired
    name stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 255 characters

    Specifies the name of the application key.

    reserved_rate_limit integer

    Indicates the reserved rate limit for an application key. For more information, see Application Keys Overview.

    type stringrequired

    Represents the type of object being returned. Always application_key.



    data object
    id uuid

    Specifies the unique id of the application key.

    name stringrequired

    Specifies the name of the application key.

    type stringrequired

    Represents the type of object being returned. Always application_key.

    client_id string

    Represents the unique client_id.

    client_secret string

    Represents the unique client_secret.

    reserved_rate_limit integer

    Indicates the reserved rate limit for an application key. For more information, see Application Keys Overview.

    meta object
    timestamps object
    created_at string

    Specifies the creation date of the key.

    updated_at string

    Specifies the last updated date of the key.

    last_used_at string

    Specifies the approximate last used date of the key. A null value indicates that the key has not been used.

    links object
    self string

    Represents a link to the specific resource.
