Creating Promotions using Promotions Builder
The Promotions Builder enables you to offer a wide range of targeted discounts to shoppers, from straightforward percentage discounts to complex, multi-tiered promotions. Each guide in this section provides step-by-step instructions for setting up specific types of promotions to help you meet your business objectives.
These guides will show you how to:
- Create promotion with various item inclusions strategy
- Create "Buy X, Get Y" promotion
- Exclude items from both eligibility and discount
- Exclude items from discount eligibility
- Create First Time Shopper promotion
- Create Fixed Price discount promotion
- Create promotion based on cart custom attributes and product attributes
- Create a promotion with multiple discounts
- Create quantity limit promotion
- Create shipping discount
- Build tiered promotions for varying cart totals
- Create custom field for promotion messaging
- Create max uses per shopper promo code
- Manage Bulk Promotion Codes
- Creating X for Amount promotion
- Creating an override-stacking promotion
and more!
Explore each guide to master Promotions Builder and customize your store’s promotional offerings.