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Manage prorations on an offering



Proration ensures that subscribers are only charged for the actual time they use a service, whether they upgrade, downgrade, start, or cancel their subscription partway through a billing cycle. By default, proration is not enabled for Subscriptions. Once you have attached a proration policy to an offering, proration is enabled automatically.

You must create a proration policy before you can attach the policy to an offering. See Create a Proration Policy.


Path Parameters

    offering_uuid UUIDrequired

    The unique identifier of the offering.


    data objectnullablerequired
    type ProrationPolicyType (string)required

    Possible values: [subscription_proration_policy]

    id UUID (string)required

    The unique identifier.


Success. A proration policy relationship is added to the offering.

    data objectnullable
    type ProrationPolicyType (string)required

    Possible values: [subscription_proration_policy]

    id UUID (string)required

    The unique identifier.
