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Create an Access Token



Client Credentials

A client_credentials token is used when the credentials are not publicly exposed, usually a server-side language such as PHP or Node.js. This type of authentication enables CRUD access to all resources.

client_id and client_secret are created and managed via Application Keys.

To see the access granted by a client_credentials token, refer to Permissions.


An implicit token is typically used for situations where you are requesting data on the client side and you are exposing your public key. When authenticated implicitly, you can only fetch (GET) data with live status (products, categories, brands, etc).

The implicit token is most appropriate for use inside client-side applications, such as JavaScript.


An implicit token can be thought of as a Read only token.



    grant_type stringrequired

    The grant type, choices are client_credentials or implicit

    client_id stringrequired

    Your client_id

    client_secret string

    Your client_secret. Only required for client credentials.



    data Bearer
    access_token string

    The access token you use for subsequent authenticated requests to the API.

    token_type string

    Right now this is only Bearer.

    identifier string

    The type of token requested. This can be a client_credentials or implicit.

    expires_in integer

    The duration in seconds after which the token expires.

    expires integer

    The epoch time that this token expires at.
