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Studio Release 127 | Dec 20, 2021


This was a smaller release with mostly bug fixes and some prep work on features that will be released in January.

Complete List of Resolved Items

  • Pushed a fix for an issue where a 400 error would sometimes occur when an additional Unstack site was being created.
  • Pushed an update to our backend that allows our product team more flexibility when creating page templates.
  • Pushed a change to our backend to allow for conditional content support of contact properties and query-string parameters.
  • Fixed an issue where in-app payment history was showing duplicate invoices.
  • Fixed an issue where Shopify was showing the wrong subscription cost.
  • Fixed an issue where collections returned a 403 to Unstack.
  • Fixed an backend process for our marketing team where user info wasn't properly populating in their system.
  • Fixed an issue where the application would crash when editing a "time" column in a DDC table.
  • Replaced the Zapier logo in the Quickstart with a high resolution version.